LinkedIn Learning: 12 Things You Should Know

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There is a lot to discover about LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn has more than 770 million members in 200 countries and regions worldwide. 

Most individuals use this platform to connect with professionals and find jobs, while companies use it for recruiting new talents.

With LinkedIn Learning, you can access video courses taught by industry experts in different fields, namely business, technology, and creativity. 

In this article, we will explore some of the most common questions people have about LinkedIn Learning. 

Let’s get started! 

Is LinkedIn Learning Accredited?

LinkedIn Learning isn’t accredited, and the certificates you can get from completing courses aren’t accredited either. 

So, yes, you can learn many skills from LinkedIn Learning. Still, the certificates you receive after the course don’t equate to a college degree and other education programs.   

Is LinkedIn Learning a MOOC?

It can be argued that LinkedIn Learning is a MOOC provider as it offers affordable courses from industry experts accessible to anyone at any time. 

A MOOC stands for: Massive Open Online Course. What this actually describes is somewhat negotiable. 

In simple terms, it defines as an online course available to everyone without pre-qualifications, at a free or close to free cost. 

In regards to LinkedIn Learning, it started as, an online course provider website. This eventually grew into a platform that offers thousands of courses. 

Learning from MOOCs provides several benefits, such as engaging with fellow learners and working at your own pace. 

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In addition, most MOOCs are also interactive, which means that you can easily collaborate with other experts to optimize your chosen courses. 

What I find most convenient is that users can log on to the portal anytime and access courses whenever it works out best for them. 

What are LinkedIn Learning Badges?

These are badges displayed as small icons or logos in your LinkedIn profile, and they work as your digital credentials.

Whenever you complete tasks or master skills from LinkedIn Learning, you can earn small rewards, also known as LinkedIn Learning Badges.  

LinkedIn Learning Badges can increase your chances of getting noticed or hired by companies on LinkedIn. 

These badges make it easy for recruiters to determine your skills and assess if you can fit their organization. 

Think of these badges as medals or trophies – the more you have, the easier it’ll be to attract recruiters to view your LinkedIn profile and hire you!

Does LinkedIn Learning Have Tests?

Many LinkedIn Learning courses have tests or assessments to help determine the quality and quantity of information retained. 

At the moment, not all courses available through LinkedIn Learning have tests. Still, developers have mentioned adding more in the future. 

To check if a course has tests or assessments, simply scroll to the end of a course chapter and look for a “Chapter Quiz.” 

Courses with tests will have this section. 

Does LinkedIn Learning Have an App?

LinkedIn Learning does have an app, and it is accessible on both Android and iOS products. 

This makes it even easier to take your learning with you wherever you see fit, as now you could potentially study from your tablet or phone.

All of us carry our phones practically everywhere with us now, so whenever you find yourself with some free time, you can learn.

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The LinkedIn Learning app can be downloaded from various app stores. 

Also, it is free to download, and with a subscription plan, you can watch complete courses on different topics. 

How Much is LinkedIn Learning Subscription?

LinkedIn Learning is free for a month as this serves as a trial period. After this, you will need to pay $29.99 monthly – or $19.99 if you choose to sign up for an annual subscription. 

If subscribing to LinkedIn Learning monthly or annually doesn’t suit your budget, you can always pay for individual courses. 

Price varies per course, but most are priced at $49.99.

An enterprise subscription offers other benefits, like skills insight and reporting tools. The cost of an enterprise subscription depends on the number of users. 

Does LinkedIn Learning Show on Your Profile?

Yes, you have the option to display your LinkedIn Learning accomplishments on your personal LinkedIn profile. 

You can also choose which course or assessment to display and remove them any time you want. 

Recommended Reading: Is learning a skill or an ability?

Does LinkedIn Learning Provide Certificates?

LinkedIn Learning does provide Certificates of Completion to users who complete courses. You can then add these certificates to your LinkedIn profile or download and print them.

Completing LinkedIn Learning courses typically does require quite some time and effort, so it is very rewarding to earn these certificates. 

Individuals and companies follow the same process of viewing and downloading Certificates of Completion.

Although Certificates of Completion from LinkedIn Learning courses can vouch for your newly acquired skill level, these aren’t accredited. This means they currently don’t have the same value as a degree from a university. 

Is LinkedIn Learning an LMS?

LinkedIn Learning is a learning platform, and it integrates with a variety of Learning Management Systems (LMS). This way, companies can easily provide relevant online training and courses to their employees or partners. 

LMS is the software behind this whole process.

LinkedIn Learning provides some great guidance for this process here.

This technology is excellent for speeding up any updates and allows companies to track progress better. 

Is LinkedIn Learning an LXP?

LinkedIn Learning recently launched the LinkedIn Learning Hub, which is an LXP. LXP stands for Learning Experience Platform.

This is a learning platform powered by artificial intelligence that puts learning in the student’s hands – not the administrator.

The software creates personalized learning experiences, connects students with experts, and helps learners unlock new learning opportunities. 

Read more about this news here.

Is LinkedIn Learning Good for Programming?

LinkedIn Learning is excellent for programming because it offers more than 600 coding classes (more being added and updated frequently). This will give learners plenty of options to choose from regardless of current skill sets or preferred programming interests. 

If there isn’t a specific course or teacher you are interested in, a LinkedIn Learning subscription might be a great option. 

A subscription allows you to access all of the courses. This way, you can easily switch between two or three different courses for free! 

Is a LinkedIn Learning Certificate Worth It?

Yes. LinkedIn Learning certificates are worth it because they provide value to anyone who wants to explore or develop professional skills or look for opportunities to differentiate themselves in job hunting and networking

What I think truly separates LinkedIn learning from other e-learning platforms is its integration with LinkedIn itself. 

LinkedIn is THE social media for the professional space. 

A great way to show potential employers and partners that you are qualified is by having certificates on your profile.

While these alone may not guarantee success in a field, they are still significant social proof and somewhat ensure to others that you know what you are talking about.

Besides this, the courses are of good quality. 

The most important thing is that you are actually able to learn and improve your skills. You will be able to utilize what you learn to excel in your job and succeed professionally.

Even this can indirectly lead you to bigger career opportunities.

Recommended Reading: Is learning good for the brain?

Final Thoughts

Signing up for a LinkedIn Learning course is an excellent platform to gain new skills and knowledge. This can become your edge in finding a job or networking with other players in the industry.

You just have to be patient and manage your time well, so you can digest as much information as possible from your chosen LinkedIn Learning course! 
